I am very fortunate to have worked with some incredible people during my time as an embryologist and as a fertility coach. Below are some of my client testimonials.
Some clients have valued my services so much that they’re helped make them available to others by “paying it forward” and offered to cover the cost of sessions for those that may not have the means to access help. There will be a campaign on instagram when this next becomes available - follow me here to stay up to date!
“So grateful to have met Sandy, who is kind, empathetic and really generous with her time and knowledge. Previously felt anxious and scared to start the journey now feel better equipped to make more informed decisions.”
“I didn’t know how much I needed you…
Having someone to talk to through this journey made me feel a lot less lonely.”
— A, Norfolk
“Sandy helped me wade through the huge volume of information there is around IVF and infertility treatments that was overwhelming me. She not only answered all my questions but provided really useful insight and suggestions with kindness and compassion. Talking to someone with so much experience in the world of IVF really helped me feel confident that the information I was getting was also based on experience and fact, as well as feeling supported emotionally.”
“Your advice this morning, kindness, extensive knowledge and very practical review with me of different options brought me such peace. I felt like I’d been holding my breath for a long time and I could finally let it out. I especially appreciate how you treated me as an individual, not as a statistic. It feels amazing after other medical professionals have just seen me as an age and nothing else.”
“Sandy was the breath of fresh air I needed on this journey. She was incredibly helpful, empathetic & very supportive, & I now feel so much more confident going forward - I felt understood & heard, which is something I rarely got from my GP unfortunately. Sandy very clearly explained all my available options & gave me a glimpse of hope where I thought there was none. I would 1000% recommend her for anyone who seeks guidance on their fertility journey.”
“It was such a relief to talk to someone who gets it…
I struggle with being open about our journey with others, but wow - it felt so good to get everything off of my chest with Sandy.”
— K, London
“We found the combination of emotional and practical support incredibly helpful. Talking to you was exactly what we needed at a time of crossroads in our fertility journey that has left us feeling a bit emotionally exhausted at times.”
The worst part was after my failed cycle. I didn't get a follow up with doctors and many questions were left unanswered. Thank you for your support and understanding, for discussing different treatment options and explaining laboratory procedures. — J, Sweden
I feel much more confident going into the next six months, knowing that we have a clear plan of action. I appreciate that things might not work out for us, and may need to go down the IVF route but I feel much more in control and positive about things. — E, UK
“I felt a lot more confident and comfortable throughout the process knowing I had a knowledgable and supportive voice at the end of the phone. You filled the gaps there were left by the clinic. I honestly don't know how I would have coped without you.” — P, London
“I started talking to Sandy after me and my husband were having difficulty conceiving our second child, and fertility tests had shown some issues with us both. I was feeling confused, overwhelmed and anxious as we are desperate for a second child. It was also a shock as we conceived our son so easily. Sandy was so knowledgable and reassuring. She is naturally so warm and supportive. She not only suggested some helpful things around taking care of myself but her years of experience as a clinical embryologist was invaluable. It meant she totally understood our results, treatment options and the evidence base. I can’t recommend her highly enough. She has made such a difference to our fertility journey and we are so grateful to have met her.”